Tesco where every little helps

If you like us like to buy your milk in six pint (3.4 litres) cartons, then you’ll probably have already noticed that they are no longer available from the Tesco supermarket in Dingwall. In fact, no Tesco in the UK now stocks milk in six pints, so you’ll have to make do with four. Don’t ask me why, I wasn’t given a reason in the answer I got in the reply to a letter I wrote.
If you make bread at home in a bread machine, as we have been doing for many years, you might also be interested to know you can’t buy 1.5 kg bags of Allinson’s bread flour anymore, so you’ll now have to make do with the smaller 1 kg bags. I found out through writing to Allinson’s Customers Services that it’s their decision to discontinue production in 1.5 kg bags, and has nothing to do with Tesco’s The good news is that both six pints of milk and 1.5 kg bags of bread flour are still available from Lidl’s just across the road.
I’m not sure what’s going on at the moment with food retailing in the UK post Brexit, they certainly don’t seem to want to involve any of their customers in the decisions they make.

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