Strathpeffer Community Council Meeting

The next monthly Strathpeffer Community Council meeting will take place this Wednesday the 8th of March at 7:30PM. It will be by means of a Zoom video conference call and the meeting ID is 615 979 8313 and password 737321. There are a number of very important items in the agenda that you might want to have your say on, so please make sure you join the meeting.


  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of last meeting – approval
  4. Actions and matters arising if not covered elsewhere on the agenda – brief updates
  5. Consultation on proposals for a new 400kV overhead power line by SSENSSEN Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland
  6. Proposed two new members for the Community Council
  7. Condition of public roads in Strathpeffer and surrounding area – second WRSL CCCC Community Council joint meeting on 27/3/23 at 7:00pm
  8. King Charles’ Coronation – how to celebrate it – lunch in the Square/Pavilion? Planting a tree at the station?
  9. Planning Application 23/00896/S42 – access to proposed Nutwood housing development
  10. Ukrainian Guests – update on latest position – any update on what happens after March 2023?
  11. Application to EDF for funds for Christmas lights for the tree
  12. Confirmation that responses have been sent to the following consultations: review of Strathpeffer Conservation Area and tree felling licence application at Nether Kinellan
  13. Old HIDB building – Peffery House – any update
  14. Parking area at Ord Terrace – update
  15. Financial update -signing off annual accounts and receiving annual grant
  16. Any other business

Date of next meeting – Wednesday 12 April 2023 at 7:30pm

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