Courtesy of the Contin Post

In early March a small shockwave went through Contin as word started to spread that preferred routes for a new 400 kVkV A unit of electrical potential equal to a thousand volts. power line, from the north to Beauly, cut across the countryside around Contin, Jamestown and Strathpeffer.
A few people attended the SSE consultation in Dingwall, but most locals had not realised how much we would be affected. The leaflets some of us received about the Dingwall consultation failed to make clear the plans for 57 meter high pylons were so close. Those that did look on the SSE website found information about the details of the proposed plans both difficult to find and understand. To add insult to injury – the consultation window closes 31st March.
When the scale of plans became apparent, the community quickly sprang into action: an action group set up a website and organised a public meeting in Contin Hall to help the community come together to be part of the consultation. And come together we did! Well before the 19.30 start Contin hall was at its 130 people capacity, with a ‘one out’, ‘one in’ policy to ensure as many interested households as possible were represented inside. Many more people listened in from the cold outside through the open doors. The turnout was certainly indicative of the level of concern in the community. The sense of disbelief that such advanced plans had to be explained by volunteers and not SSE was palpable.
Excellent introductions to the issues were given by speakers from the action group and Contin and Strathpeffer Community Councils. There are serious concerns that the presented options are limiting, for example not considering a second undersea cable, upgrading the existing line or underground options. Criteria used to assess the different routes are inconsistent and the consultation process does not meet standards of an informed and fair process for residents.
Organisers emphasised that the purpose of the meeting is to help the community understand the proposals, find constructive ways in engaging in the consultation, and to share ideas, insights, despair and also hope. Members of the audience spoke movingly about the importance of the landscape, the wildlife, from wild cats to peregrine falcons, and the rich archaeological heritage that is still so hidden from many of us. By the end of the evening it was clear that for all present, young, old, long-time residents or new arrivals, the landscape around Contin, our paths and spectacular views are deeply personal and emotional. It is clear that our voices need to be heard.
So what now?
If you read this on or before 31st March, you can share your views today with SSENSSEN Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland, copying in your MPMP In the United Kingdom, a member of Parliament (MP) is an individual elected to serve in the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. and MSPMSP Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP; Scottish Gaelic: Ball Pàrlamaid na h-Alba, BPA; Scots: Memmer o the Scots Pairliament, MSP) is the title given to any one of the 129 individuals elected to serve in the Scottish Parliament.. The website hosts all contact details, but the quickest way is to email Martin Godwin, Community Liaison
Please also talk to neighbours and friends, so they are aware. There may be future consultation moments but it is unclear what their scope will be. While we hope for an extension to the current very rushed consultation, it is also vital that everyone with a stake responds to the 31st March deadline.
We will all need to stay alert. Sign up for updates, and find out how you can make your voice heard on


  1. Martin Evan-Jones

    Mr Godwin of SSE e-mails that the consultation process on the proposed pylons has been advanced to 14 April. However no response on the SSE’s clear duty to fully explain its strategy and options.

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